Because each home is as distinctive as its owners, Judy Robins brings a unique design sense to each project — be it traditional, contemporary or an eclectic mix. She believes in creating a home that not only fits your lifestyle, but enhances it.
In addition to her thirty-five+ years as an interior designer and art consultant, Judy Robins has served as a trustee for the Denver Art Museum and taught Interior Design at Metropolitan State College.
Judy Robins Interiors, Inc. is a full-service residential interior design firm, based in Denver, serving a national clientele by drawing upon local, national and international resources.
From preliminary space planning with architects to final installation of family portraits, the firm is involved in every aspect of each project to ensure its successful completion.
Since establishing her practice in 1975, Judy Robins has completed residential projects in Denver, New York City, Chicago, Beverly Hills, Aspen, Vail and Arizona.
Whether the space is an ultra-sophisticated urban apartment or rough-hewn mountain retreat, she commands the resources and expertise to complete a range of projects in any environment.